What Tank Size Does a Bearded Dragon Need? A Concise Guide 

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What Tank Size Does a Bearded Dragon Need

As pets, bearded dragons are friendly and relatively easy to care for – these are just a few qualities that make them great pets. With the right environment and the correct tank size, beardies can live a long, healthy, and happy life.

The tank size matters because it can affect their happiness and stress levels. A small tank will not provide much space to move around or explore. Also, it can cause health issues such as stunted growth. On the other hand, an oversized enclosure could mean that you might experience issues while heating it or providing food. Therefore, choosing the right size is vital. 

Are you wondering what tank size to get for your bearded dragon? Read on to find the answer and everything you need to know about bearded dragon tanks.

Types of bearded dragon tanks

There are three materials that can make bearded dragon tanks: glass, plastic, and wood. Some are more preferred for bearded dragons than others. 

Types of bearded dragon tanks
Types of bearded dragon tanks

Glass tanks 

Glass tanks are an excellent option for bearded dragons. However, adult bearded dragons will require large glass tanks, with the preferred volume being 120 gallons.

Glass tank pros:

  • Easy to clean
  • Offer better visibility
  • Can look good in your home (aesthetically pleasing).

Glass tank cons:

  • They are prone to breaking.
  • Don’t have pre-drilled holes, so it’s hard to fit with electricity. 
  • Some bearded dragons can get stressed out just by seeing their reflection.

Plastic tanks 

Over the last couple of years, plastic tanks have really evolved from simple plastic crates to professional and complex tanks. They are constructed using different types of plastic, but the most common ones are PVC or ABS.

Plastic tank pros:

Plastic tank cons:

  • Limited visibility, unlike glass tanks.
  • More expensive than wooden tanks.

Wooden tanks 

These tanks are made of materials such as melamine and plywood. These tanks are quite common, especially in cold regions, because wood tends to hold in heat and reflect light better.

Wooden tank pros:

  • More affordable than glass and plastic tanks.
  • Customizable.
  • Less likely to break, unlike glass tanks.
  • Expandable.

Wooden tank cons:

  • Limited visibility. 
  • They can be damaged by liquids.
  • Harder to clean and disinfect.
  • They can be heavy to move around.

What tank size does a bearded dragon need?

If you are considering purchasing a bearded dragon’s tank, its age matters a lot because different ages require different tank sizes, from babies to juveniles to adults. For every stage, bigger is better.

Bearded dragon tank size (chart)

Age The length of the beardieThe smallest size allowedlargest size
Baby Below 10 inches 20 gallons 40 gallons 
Juvenile 10 – 20 inches 55 gallons 75 gallons 
Adult Over 20 inches 75 gallons 120 gallons 

Best tank size for baby bearded dragons 

Baby Bearded Dragons do best in smaller tanks.
Two baby Bearded Dragons wandering inside their tank

Newborn beardies do best in smaller tanks. Larger tanks can make it hard for baby bearded dragons to hunt and catch their food. On top of that, they could easily get lost in them. 

At this stage, the tank is temporary as they tend to grow quickly. The best tank size for baby bearded dragons is between 20-40 gallons. This can give them plenty of space to be happy and healthy. It’s also small enough to allow them to develop their hunting skills, making it possible to catch their prey.

It’s essential to keep an eye on them while they catch food to observe how they are feeding. If they are experiencing difficulty feeding, you can put them in a smaller tank (minimum size- 20 gallons) or hand feed them.

Quick note: baby bearded dragons range from 3-9 inches. They will need a larger tank as they reach 10 inches in length.

Best tank size for juvenile bearded dragons 

Juvenile Bearded Dragons require a tank between 55-75 gallons.
A juvenile Bearded Dragon placed on his owner’s palm

All things considered, a healthy bearded dragon takes about 18 months to reach its full size. Juvenile bearded dragons can be between 10- 20 inches, and they require a tank between 55-75 gallons. 

Although there is still a lot of growing up at this stage, they certainly start to slow down a little bit. In addition, you don’t have to worry about them being able to catch food since their hunting skills have already developed. 

As they reach full maturity, you will need to consider getting a larger tank to allow them to run around and be happy.

Best tank size for adult bearded dragons 

Big tanks are better for adult Bearded Dragons.
An adult Bearded Dragon looking happy inside his tank

A bearded dragon is considered a full-grown adult once it reaches 20 inches in length. Adults require plenty of space to bask, turn around, climb, exercise, hunt, and explore without being restricted. 

The minimum tank size of adult bearded dragons is 75 gallons, but the bigger, the better. But it should not exceed 120 gallons, as bearded dragons can get confused and have difficulty hunting for food. 

Do bearded dragons prefer long or tall tanks?

The right tank does not entirely rely on gallons. Height and width are also important factors to consider before purchasing a tank. Taller tanks enable bearded dragons to stay away from heat sources at the top of the tank. 

Also, bearded dragons like to climb. Therefore, a taller tank can allow them to climb without restrictions. We recommend a tank with a height and width of 24 inches. 

Can two bearded dragons share the same tank?

Naturally, bearded dragons are solitary creatures; they cannot get lonely. So, they prefer to be alone. For instance, male bearded dragons are known for being territorial. If put in the same tank, male beardies can get aggressive with each other as they try to figure out who is the dominant one. 

Two beardies in one tank might fight for food and heat. They may even compete for females. So, we do not recommend keeping multiple bearded dragons in the same tank. It is best to keep them in separate tanks.

However, if you insist on putting them in the same tank, you should double the size according to the size requirement for each dragon.

Here are the preferred tank sizes for babies, juveniles and adults bearded dragons

Final thoughts 

Giving our pets a place to live and thrive is essential. Bearded dragons need a tank that provides a place to hide, move, climb, and provide a wide range of temperatures.

When purchasing the right tank, you need to consider factors such as the length of the pet, age, height, and width. 

One thing you need to keep in mind is that it is better to go bigger than go smaller. Small tanks can cause stunted growth, stress, anxiety, and other health concerns.

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Felix Olofsson is a reptile enthusiast and the driving force behind Bearded Dragon HQ, a website dedicated to providing expert advice and resources for bearded dragon owners. With years of experience working with reptiles, Felix has developed a deep appreciation and understanding of these unique creatures, particularly the beloved bearded dragon. Felix's passion for bearded dragons started when he adopted his first dragon, Spike, and quickly fell in love with these fascinating creatures. Through Bearded Dragon HQ, Felix aims to share his knowledge and expertise with other bearded dragon owners, providing them with everything they need to give their pets the best possible care. From nutrition and habitat design to behavior and more. Bearded Dragon HQ is the go-to source for all things related to these beloved pets.